Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Veggie Garden Planning

We are still beginners with this vegetable garden stuff, but I have a feeling we are off to a late start with getting seeds going inside. My sister has a mini green house set up in her laundry room with with about a dozen little seedlings sprouting up! We better get moving. Last night we started picking out what we want to plant this year. Josh had two stipulations: no squash and no pumpkins. We had a bit of a yucky grub problem with those two veggies last year. These nasty little things burrowed straight into the center of the stems and the beautiful (and huge!) zucchini and squash and pumpkins we had going died off rather quickly. Sad growing season. But I managed to take some nice pictures of them in their healthier days that I should hunt up and add on here. So to avoid any more bug problems until we are a bit more experienced, we're staying away from those guys. Planned so far are the following: watermelon, cherry tomato, bell peppers, broccoli, basil, carrots, rainbow chard, beets, and sunflowers. We'll have to figure out where we are putting them in the garden and see how much room is left over, then maybe a couple more things, but we don't want to over load ourselves.  Looking forward to starting these seeds :)

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