Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Warrior Dash 2011

Time to play catch up again. Last year my sister managed to talk Josh and I into doing our first mud/endurance/obstacle race. Josh was all about it! I started having second thoughts as we stood at the starting line :) But it turned out to be a lot of fun and we ended up going to another two on our own, the Spartan Sprint (which was supposed to be a 5k but turned out to be over 4 miles) and the Run for your Lives Zombie 5k for halloween. I wish we had pictures of those :( but we have the medals from them! We are already planning on doing the Super Spartan run this year, which is one step up from the Spartan Sprint at a hefty 8+ miles of mud and obstacles. Here are some Warrior Dash photos...


Aimee having second thoughts...

Go Josh go! 

Up and over walls then crawling under fences. Slowly getting a bit tougher...

Ahhhhh! Cold water!! I tried to tip toe my way in and Josh just dove head first! Show off... ;)

Yep, it's still cold. I think Josh is pretending he's Rambo. Towards the middle of this water obstacle it got deep enough I had to swim through it.

There were logs floating all the way across the mud pit that you either had to go over or under. Here's Josh diving over it, head first right into the water of course!

Lot's of cargo nets to climb up and over. Josh is comin' to get ya! Look at that determination :)

Last but not least 3 rows of fire to jump over. We also had an obstacle like this at Spartan Sprint but it was twice as wide and flames twice as tall. I had trouble mustering the courage to get over that one. This Warrior Dash fire obstacle wasn't too bad, but you still felt the heat!

In the end we got a medal for completing, icy cold showers to rinse off the mud and grime, and a free beer. I felt like a Warrior ;)

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